
Braun MultiQuick 7 Immersion Hand Blender

Price: 119.95
Percentage Trade: 100% Trade Credits
What Do I Pay: 119.95 Excluding Taxes
Trade Payable: 119.95
Cash Payable: 0.00
Note: The price quoted excludes Sales Tax.
Availability: SOLD
Expire On: 12/3/2024 12:00 AM

With SmartSpeed technology, the Braun MultiQuick 7 Immersion Hand Blender intuitively harnesses the proper speed for the given task. With just one touch, the more you squeeze, the more speed you get.

With the EasyClick system, you can quickly change attachments. It gives you the versatility to blend, chop, whisk, mash, crush, and puree ingredients effortlessly
The high-precision, German-engineered motor is evenly balanced for power and long-lasting durability, keeping operation smooth and comfortable
SmartSpeed technology allows you to intuitively adjust blending power without stopping by simply squeezing a button: more pressure means more speed
Ultra-hard stainless steel blades and a unique bell-shaped blending shaft reduce suction and draw food inward for finer, smoother blending
ACTIVEBlade technology incorporates a flexible shaft that moves the blade up and down resulting in 2x finer blending