
Hair Special - Shampoo, Blow Dry & Style - $45 Trade!!!

Price: 45.00
Percentage Trade: 100% Trade Credits
What Do I Pay: 45.00 Excluding Taxes
Trade Payable: 45.00
Cash Payable: 0.00
Note: The price quoted excludes Sales Tax.
Availability: In Stock
Qty: + -
Expire On: 9/30/2024 8:25 AM

Mara Kogan is offering a limited number of certificates for a shampoo, blow dry and style for only $45. Mara is a hair stylist and color specialist with over 18 years experience in innovative hair cutting and color. She creates styles that suits each client, their lifestyle and bone structure and works with multiple hair colors so it matches her client's skin tone, bringing out their eye color. To order a certificate, call the Tradesource office at 602-996-1557. Then book your appointment by calling Mara at 602-619-8996. The salon is located at 13802 N. Scottsdale Rd., Room 28 in Scottsdale. For more information visit her website at Marakoganhairsalon.com