
Landscape Oil Painting of Desert

Price: 900.00
Percentage Trade: 100% Trade Credits
What Do I Pay: 900.00 Excluding Taxes
Trade Payable: 900.00
Cash Payable: 0.00
Note: The price quoted excludes Sales Tax.
Availability: In Stock
Qty: + -
Expire On: 10/3/2024 6:00 PM

An original oil painting on Canvas 20" x 16" - “Sedona” - is now available at $900 (50% off original price). of $1,800. Artist Florine Duffield lives in Arizona and has traveled exclusively throughout the state taking many photos - especially in Sedona. This oil represents a very red/orange magical place that Duffield wanted to capture in her painting. To learn more about the artist and see her other work, please view her website: https://www.florineduffieldart.com. Email her at - florineduffield@hotmail.com or call 623-565-0605