
Wilton Decorator Preferred 10"x17.5"x14" Call-All Tote, Purple

Price: 24.99
Percentage Trade: 100% Trade Credits
What Do I Pay: 24.99 Excluding Taxes
Trade Payable: 24.99
Cash Payable: 0.00
Note: The price quoted excludes Sales Tax.
Availability: In Stock
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Expire On: 8/14/2019 8:00 PM

The Decorator Preferred Purple Carryall Tote keeps you organized on the go. This cheerful carryall is ideal for decorating professionals, crafting enthusiasts, students, busy professionals and more. The oversized canvas tote has multiple compartments to cradle all of your everyday essentials. The interior has three compartments, including a padded compartment that's ideal for storing laptops, tablets, eReaders and other delicate electronic equipment. The three compartment tote has a variety of small pockets and pouches that are ideal for storing tools, smartphones, car keys and other small items. The lining is grease-resistant and zips open for easy care. To clean, simply wipe with a damp cloth.