
Plastic Dough Cutter

Price: 20.00
Percentage Trade: 100% Trade Credits
What Do I Pay: 20.00 Excluding Taxes
Trade Payable: 20.00
Cash Payable: 0.00
Note: The price quoted excludes Sales Tax.
Availability: SOLD
Expire On: 5/9/2024 11:08 AM

The Dough Blast barrel comes with more than 60 dough cutters of assorted fun and silly shapes! Also complete with three exciting colors of Cra-Z-Art's super soft moldable dough compound, Softee Dough. Blend the provided colors to make even more fun shades! Great for projects, sculpting and craft time creating! Safe and non-toxic. Features The Dough Blast barrel comes with more than 60 dough cutters of assorted fun and silly shapes! Also complete with three exciting colors of Cra-Z-Art's super soft moldable dough compound, Softee Dough. Blend the provided colors to make even more fun shades! Great for projects, sculpting and craft time creating! Safe and non-toxic